Troop Info
Troop 743 Mission Statement
Troop 743 believes in partnering with families to help lead young children into adulthood by teaching them to honor God in all they do, view others as more important than oneself, to sacrificially serve others at all times, and to become real adults: adults who reject passivity, esteem others, accept responsibility, and lead courageously.
Chartered Organization
Troop 743 is chartered by First Alliance Church. The Troop uses the facilities of First Alliance Church to conduct the Scouting program. We are deeply grateful to First Alliance Church for its support and efforts that allow Troop 743 to operate.
First Alliance Church
111 Mission Meade St
New Castle, PA 16105
General Information
This troop abides by a "SAFE HAVEN" policy. A safe haven is a place where everyone should feel physically and emotionally secure. We do this in several ways:
We set the example for ourselves and others by behaving as Scouts should. We live by the Scout Oath and Law each moment of each day, to the best of our abilities.
We refuse to tolerate any kind of inappropriate put-down, name-calling or physical aggression.
We expect the Scouts to live up to the standards of the Scout Oath, Scout Law, and Outdoor Code
When a new Scout enters into Troop 743 there are always a number of questions as to what needs to be accomplished and when. In order for you to best understand the necessary steps please refer to the following list.
Scout Application - complete the online form and payment.
Personal Health and History Form.
Permission to Dispense Medication.
Troop Structure
Troop 743 is a "Scout Led Troop" utilizing the Patrol Method for most activities. The Patrol is the basic unit of the Troop and consists of 5 to 10 Scouts of various ages, experience and rank. If enough new scouts join, the troop will start a new scout patrol, which is made up of newly-bridged Webelos Scouts. This patrol focuses on basic skills with the target of attaining 1st Class rank within 18 months. In general, an older Scout, as a troop guide, another existing scout, as an initial patrol leader, and an Assistant Scout Master are assigned to the new scout patrol to assist with their skills development as necessary. The formation of a new scout patrol is dependent on the number of bridging Scouts and is subject to approval by the Patrol Leaders Council.
Patrol Leaders & The Patrol Leaders Council
All patrols elect Patrol Leaders (PLs) and the Troop as a whole elects a Senior Patrol Leader (SPL). These positions serve as the Scout leadership backbone of the Troop. Additional positions are appointed, such as Troop Guide, Scribe, Quartermaster, Chaplain's Aide, etc. depending on the need. All positions are selected for a six-month period and there are no specific term limits. The SPL and PLs make up the core of the Patrol Leaders Council which is the decision-making body of the Troop. This team determines Troop meeting agendas, submits the Troop calendar to the Committee for approval on a yearly basis, determines Troop rules, etc.
Scout Masters
The Troop maintains one Scout Master selected by the Committee and numerous Assistant Scout Masters. Their main purpose is to provide adult guidance, teach leadership skills to the PLC, and facilitate the growth of the patrols in all facets of Troop activities.
The Troop Committee is made up of adult volunteers and is primarily focused on the support of Troop activities as defined by the Scouts and overseen and mentored by the Scout Masters. This Committee is the logistics and financial arm of the Troop, consisting of a Chair, Chartered Organization Representative, Treasurer, Quartermaster, Communications Coordinator, Activity Coordinator, Advancement Chair, Life to Eagle coordinator, etc. depending on the need and determined by a general consensus of the volunteers. All the e-mail addresses can be found here.
Scout Participation
When a scout joins Troop 743, they will be a member of a Patrol. The scout is expected to participate in as many Troop events as possible and to attend their scheduled Patrol meetings and activities. Records are kept of attendance. It is Troop policy that attendance is considered an integral part of Scout Spirit. Poor attendance will adversely effect rank advancement. The Troop program is run by the Scouts for the benefit of all who wish to participate. Participation makes it work. Scouts should be attending a minimum of 50% of meetings and events (or make special arrangements with the Scout Master) to show scout spirit for advancement.
Parent Participation
In the Troop
Volunteerism and participation is required from at least one adult per scout family. The types of help can include everything from driving to campouts to Committee members to Scout Masters to assisting from home on items like camping reservations and fundraising. See the "Contact the Leaders" page or volunteer here. All parents or guardians are encouraged to attend trips or activities, and all new ideas for Troop meetings or program events are welcome! We also encourage all parents to consider becoming officially registered as an adult Scouter, as well as becoming a Troop leader or committee member. We are required to have registered and trained Adult Leaders on every Scout trip. Basic leader training is offered throughout the year and is also available on the Web. Maintaining a healthy roster of trained adults is core to the Scout Program. Keep in mind that most leaders are only active while their sons are Scouts, which means that turnover of leadership is a constant for the Troop. The very best way to ensure that your Scout will have a positive and productive Scouting experience is by volunteering to be an Adult Leader!
New Parents are invited to join the committee. Experience is not necessary. You may just want to sit in and hear what the committee discusses. See the calendar for dates.
At Home
Once your Scout bridges to a Scout Troop, they are no longer Cub Scouts. This is often the biggest hurdle for Scouting families. The Scouts need to be given the opportunity to take responsibility for their own actions and decisions. Otherwise, they will never learn the basic skills necessary for all Scouts. We encourage parents to become familiar with the Scout Handbook and the requirements for each rank. Parents can be most helpful by encouraging their Scouts to bring the book to all Troop meetings and camping trips (in fact, we consider it part of the Class A uniform!) and to maintain clear and organized records of their advancements, both rank and merit badge.
Court of Honor
Four times per year, Troop 743 holds a Court of Honor in which ranks and other awards are presented to the Scouts who earned them. Parents should make it a point to attend each Court of Honor. All rank advancement, merit badges, and boards of review must be completed two weeks prior to the Court of Honor. Currently they are the first Monday of the Month in January, April, August, October.
Scouts should wear their uniforms to every Troop 743 event, unless otherwise instructed. The full Class A uniform (including sash) is required for all formal, District, and Council events such as Courts of Honor and flag ceremonies preformed for outside groups. The standard troop meeting uniform is Class A uniform without the sash. The Class B is to be worn under the Class A. All non-Troop specific items can be purchased from the Council Scout Store or O.R.E in Boardman, OH.
Class A Uniform
Scout pants, Scout socks, Scout shirt, troop neckerchief, "743" numeral patch* and Moraine Trails patch
Class B Uniform
Troop 743 Scout T-shirt
Available directly from the Troop and NOT the Scout Store
Discipline starts at the scout level. The Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leaders will attempt to deal with the issue. If they cannot come to a conclusion on the issue, it will be brought to the Assistant Scoutmasters and the Scoutmaster. The Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters may contact the parents of the scout in question. Troop 743 will follow BSA policies for legal issues.
Staying Connected:
Troop 743 offers many ways for you to stay connected and be informed about the Troop’s activities. Please make sure you take advantage of these opportunities.
Attend the Troop meeting
Know the Troop leaders and how to contact them
Attend the camp outs and other activities on the Troop 743 Calendar
Know your Scout’s patrol members and how to contact them
Check our Facebook Page "Neshannock Boy Scout Troop 743"
Sign up for our Remind App for notifications
When could we visit a Troop meeting?
We would love for you to come as soon as possible! Please refer to our calendar for specific details and contact our scoutmaster to confirm availability.