Scout Advancement
Troop 743 uses the TroopMaster software to help track advancements and Merit Badge work for the Scouts. If you have any questions on these items, please contact the current Advancement Chair.
Boy Scouts earn rank advancement as they meet the requirements specified for each scout rank. Click here for videos describing each step to achieve the 1st Class Rank. The requirements for each rank are specified by each link below:
Each rank's requirements are tracked by Scout and inside the TroopMaster program. For more information about who tracks specific requirements, contact the Advancement Chairperson here.
The requirements for each rank are specified in The Boy Scout Handbook. Merit badges are NOT required for the first 4 ranks but MAY be earned at any time for future advancements towards the Star, Life and Eagle ranks. Merit badges are generally earned at Summer and Winter Camps, District events, and are occasionally sponsored by the Troop.
To successfully advance a Scout must:
1. Fulfill the rank advancement requirements described in his handbook;
2. Have a Scoutmaster Conference
3. Request and Pass a Board of Review consisting of 2-3 adults who will review the scout’s progress; and
4. Present his handbook signed by the Board of Review members to the Advancement Chairman for recording.